The Museful Mind

Creation of bright coloured flowers under a sky of stars and planets
Celtic Wisdom

Can You Hear the Music?

The Oran Mor, or Great Song, is the Celtic primordial myth of Creation. And it can be heard within us – if we only listen. Thoreau spoke of those who walk to the beat of a different drummer. They hear this music – the Oran Mor -from within. Listen to your heart, your intuition. You will feel whole and at peace. Being in step with yourself is more important than marching to the call of this troubled world.

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Ever Wish Life Came with a


Join the journey as I write my own 
Sharing random thoughts and musings on spirituality, faith and friendship…
the questions of life, the challenges… and yes, even the frustrations…
sprinkled with a dash of hope
and encouragement.
Words and quilts express it best
filling my journal with colour.
So… how do you ‘muse your life?


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