The Museful Mind

2025 – A New Year

Festive background of silver, gold and blue with sparkling snowflakes

Christmastime has come and gone,
A New Year has begun.
Hearts are filled with hopes and dreams,
of all our wishes yet to come.

We start off with such good intentions,
And always mean so well.
But oft times life has other plans,
One never can foretell.

So many things can’t be controlled,
That’s a lesson hard to learn.
We try… then fall, get up again,
Striving not to feel concern.

Branches covered with hoarfrost on a frosty winter day with blurry background.

It’s one step at a time we go,
sure and steady on the way.
Sometimes forward, sometimes back;
As we take things day to day.

Then comes a stretch of sweet sublime,
Where everything goes right.
When hearts feel lifted up so high,
And spirits soar on heights.

Would every day could feel like this,
Yet that’s not how life goes.
We must traverse the ups and downs,
And accept the ebb and flows.

Twenty-five’ will be a challenge,
To move forward head held high.
Maintain an even temperament,
Amidst the spiteful hue and cry.

So many changes, good and bad,
Some welcome, and some not.
With help we’ll rise above the fray,
To a smooth and calmer walk.

God never promised easy times,
 all nice and neatly wrapped.
But said He would be with us,
Lest we feel alone and trapped.

Bright winter landscape with snow-covered pine trees

He will give strength unto the weary,
Instill vigor to the weak.
You will not fall or stumble,
If His word you seek and keep.

Your hope will be renewed each day,
with the rising of the sun.
For you will soar like eagles,
And not faint when ere’ you run.

his world will have its troubles,
That’s certainly for sure.
But you won’t be left alone,
With God’s help you will endure.


So do not fear or be dismayed,
by the problems that you face.
For God holds tightly to your hand,
And blesses you with Grace.

Wishing you joy… peace… and health in this New Year to come!

(Inspired by Isaiah 40: 28-30)


6 thoughts on “2025 – A New Year”

  1. That was sublime, Bev! I’ve read it three times already and will read it many more, I’m sure. In fact, I’ll just print it out and put it on my fridge! Thanks a million for this!

  2. Beverly, beautiful words woven into the truth of life. Your reference Isaiah is a miniature Bible in structure. The book has sixty-six chapters, and the Bible has sixty-six books. The key note of Isaiah is salvation.
    Your statement “For God holds tightly to our hand, and blesses us with Grace.” I did print it out.
    Sorry to be late in responding–we were dealing with a birthday this weekend.

    A Blessed and Healthy New Year!
    Anna Jean

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